I found 2 “interesting” bounds which are pretty close to where I live. However, when I started one of them, I discovered it was written in another language than the local language (in my case flemish or dutch). Is there a way to have those bounds available in more than one language (e.g. also local language? or would there be a way to have the bound available for translation (by myself) and then uploading it as a possible choice when selecting the bound for “execution”? (that could augment the success of Actionbound on a local level).
Side question: if I would create a bound, would I be able to “offer” the choice of language for one particular bound (e.g. dutch AND english - of course taking care of the translation myself)?
Hi Dirk,
thank you for your questions.
If you want to have multiple languages you have to create duplicates from an existing Bound and translate it then. We’ll support multiple languages in one and the same Bound in the future. This should also answer your side question, right?
I can ask the person who created these Bounds you’re interested in if I might send you a duplicate for translation if you like.
Best wishes