Total score after a view questions

How te give the totale score

When a player has finished a section or the total bound before he goes to the final section or after each question I have 22 question with pooints an with the switches also an extra 5 missions with pints

Is there a markdown to present the actual score during the bound

Hello Kurt-Calis,

I understand your idea. You want to display the score in the text of one of the elements (quiz/information/etc. …).
In my opinion, this is unfortunately not possible at the moment. :cry:

What works is to display something like: „Hey, you’ve got more than 50 points so far!“ This element gets a switch in which the score is queried. The copy of the same element then says „Wow, you have more than 75 points so far!“ etc
I know that’s quite tedious, but that’s the only way I can think of.

But the player has also the option of displaying the points scored, the playing time, etc. in the header of the Boundapp. Tap on the three bars at the top of the app … .
(the bound panel)

Best regards
Sven G

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