Indoor activity

First of all thank you for your App, I think it’s very innovative and useful !
How can I create an indoor treasure hunt ?
I read that the GPS doesn’t work in a bulding and I can’t organize it outside car our employees are not allowed to get out our office.
Thank you,
Kind regards

Hi, Marcella.

Could you start the hunt right outside the building? I think the app only needs the gps to to locate the hunt so you can start it. After that, the hunt downloads and you just follow the steps. You don’t need gps to do the hunt itself, unless you need to make location check-ins, which is probably not necessary inside a building, anyway. You can do quizzes, polls, finding things/answers (just enter the answer), etc. In fact, if you just share the link to the hunt, then you don’t need the gps to even start it, I believe.

Hi Marcella,

thanks to gregapan, there is not much more i can add :slight_smile: There are a few ways to start a bound. You can scan a QR-code, search for the bound or find it under “My Bounds” if you are logged in.
As for the activities: As gregapan already said, there are many which don’t need gps at all.

Best regards,


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