I purchased the "secret bound" feature but it did not become active

Good morning,

I purchased the „secret bound“ feature on Saturday 9th but it did not become activated, I can see the Paypal transaction was successful.

Thank you any help.

Dear Birthday_LOLZ,
thank you for your post.
We are sorry that the feature didn´t activate. I did it manually now and you can edit the bound to a „secret bound“.
Best regards

Thank you very much!

I am having exactly the same issue: Bought the „secret bound“ option a couple of minutes ago via PayPal (I have the paypal confirmation), but nothing has changed. The secret option in my bound still greyed out.
Anything broken here?

Dear bytewenger,
I´ve checked and activated the secret Bound feature for you.
We are sorry that there where some problems and it didn´t activated automatically.
Kind regards

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Thanks alot, @Lisa , for the quick assistance!

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