Feature request: print bound summary (for admin)

I am considering creating a one-page summary of my bounds that I can distribute to the police department, etc so that they will be aware of the places that people might act suspiciously while playing the bound. I’ll also be able to keep a folder of my bounds (I was thinking of making monthly bounds, and deleting them at the end of the month)

A button for admin to click on to create or download or print a bound summary might be useful for sharing (for school administration, local police) and for keeping a printed record of past bounds that have been made.

Maybe the bound summary could include a PDF file that gives a quick explanation of what AB is, a link to your site, and any small disclaimers or legal info.

It would need to print on as few pages as possible. I don’t know if a system-generated summary would be useful to the people who make bounds. I’m just sharing my thought. If I end up making something on my own, I’ll come back and post it here.

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