Does Actionbound support realtime leaderboard?

hi, thank you for this wonderful tool. I tested this tool. I am wondering if Actionboard supports realtime leaderboard feature? By this, I meant that competitors can see realtime which team has completed which stages and their team standing against others. This increases the intensity of the game.

Hi! A main feature of Actionbound is, that you don’t need internet connection once the Bound is started. This is why we don’t have such things as a real time leaderboard at the moment. But we know that this would be super cool and have the feature on our roadmap. We will implement this in a few months for those who have internet connection without losing the “no internet needed” functionality.

Hello! What’s the outlook for this feature? Anytime soon? :slight_smile: Tina

This may take a few more months. There’s a lot of work to do right now.

Hi, Is there any news on this feature? I am hoping that it is up and running?

Any news on this feature? Would be great.

Thanks! léo

We are still in the making of this feature.

As you might have seen there are so many projects in the pipeline right now, we hope to have a good output of new features within the next months.

Thanks for your quys patience.

Best regards,


We are going to run a special Harry Potter event at universal studios this spring. Can you tell me if real time leaderboard is going to be available? Also what is the number of players we can engage for this ONE time event? Thank you for your efforts to provide English support.

Hi bernajean,

we will discuss real time leaderboard in the near future, but i can’t tell when it will be available.
As for the number of players: you can play with as many players as you want. Check out or contact Bene at if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


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