Bound is not showing up on the map of public bounds

Newbie here–I created a bound and gave it a starting coordinate, but it is not showing up on the public bounds map when searching for bounds nearby. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong and how I can try to get it onto the map?


Hi Puppethead,

there are two possibilities why your Bound is not showing on the public Bounds map.

  1. Check if your Bound is already published
    How to publish your Bound
  2. If you enabled the option ‚Secret Bound‘ in the settings of your Bound, it will not be shown on the public map.
    Bound Characteristics - Visibility

One of the two should help you, if not, please get in touch again.


Hi Bennie,

Thank you for your suggestions. Sadly, my bound is published, and I did not pay to make the bound secret, so by default it is public. Could it be that I just can’t see it on the map because it is my bound?

Any other thoughts?


Hi Puppethead,

i took a look at your Bounds and three of them are set to private.
It could be that if you made a duplicate of another bound that was set to private, this setting was taken over.
Please check again and now you should be able to change them back to ‚public‘ and sorry for the inconvenience we will take a look at it so it doesn’t happen again in the future.

Best regards

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