Batch-Editing or API

I’m starting to become a power-user of your app and I’m quite happy with how well it works.

One thing that becomes quite tedious is that there is no way past the (beautiful but) not very compact webinterface to edit the coordinates all at once. There is a lot of clicking and scrolling involved to do that. I’m doing the same bound at different places each day.

Is there any API I could use?
I am used to program, so hit me with anything automatable like json, xml, REST-ful POST-requests and API-keys to authenticate.
Or just a csv-import using some syntax you invented.
I would be soooo happy!

Hi fridde,

you can only edit coordinates one at a time. Right now there are no plans to mage huge changes to that setting. I’ll let the programmers know, maybe e can do something about that in the future.


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